Accounting Features

Product Master

Realtime Database of all your Products.

Expense Master

Manage All your Business Expenses

Sales Invoice

Create & Manage Sales Invoices in Realtime.

Sales Returns

Manage Sales Returns with Stock Affectivity.

Purchase Returns

Manage Purchase Returns in Realtime.

Credit Debit Notes

Manage Credit and Debit Notes for Vendor & Customers.

Client Payments

Realtime Database of all your Products.

Vendor Payments

Manage Supplier Payment Transactions.

Bank Reconciliation

Manage, Tally Bank Statements & Expenses

Invoice Prefixing

Manage Prefix of Invoices, Yearly or Monthly.

Accounting Reports

Get Detailed Accounting Reports in Single Clicks.

GST Reports

Get GST Payable & Receivable Reports.

Advanced Features

MIS Reports

Get Business Detailed Reports Monthly Annually

GST Verification

Verify your GST Payable, Receivable on GST Portal

Advance GST Reports

Get Detailed GSTR1, GSTR2, GSTR3B Reports

Audit Logs

Get Invoice, Quotation & Other Modification Audit Logs.

Multi Currency Invoicing

Create Invoices in Multi Currency as per Clients Country.

Purchase Invoice Uploads

Upload all your Purchase Invoices Expenses in Digital Format.

Document Manager

Manage all your Business Document Online.

Email Integration

Integrate your own domain to send Mails & Alerts

Multiple Tax Invoicing

Create a single invoice with Multiple Applicable Tax.

Multi User/Multi Window

Every Employee can work according to their User Roles.

Barcodes & Serial Numbers

Manage/Import Products using Barcode reader.

User Role Manager

Assign Specific rights to employees according to department.

Business Suite

Smart Tagging System

Give Smart Tags to all your transactions & Get detailed reports in single clicks.

Customer Realtion Manager(CRM)

Get a detailed CRM for managing your Department Wise Targets & Performances.

E-Way Bills

Create E-Way invoices for your business integrated with Government Portal.


Create B2B E- invoices for your business integrated with Government Portal.

HR Module

A Single source of Information of Employees & Applicants within your company.

Payment Gateways

Integrate OFFIIO with payment Gateways like Razorpay, PayTM, PayPal, Skrill & more.